Friday, October 26, 2012

Evaluate Stage

Evaluate is Criterion E of MYP Technology.  Work for this criterion leads to the testing of the product and a sufficient reflection of one’s own efforts, the group’s efforts, and how well the work done fits into the Design Cycle.
Now that your product is created, your will now be tasked to test your product using the test or questions you’ve written during the Create stage.
Activity 1
Look at the following business card product completed. Using the table below, conduct a test for the card.

Testers’ Name: You
Test Question
Pass or Fail?
1. Is the card’s length less than 4 inches
The length was slightly above 4 inches in length.
Evaluate Summative
You are expected to conduct two tests for your product: one done by you, and another by an outsider (a friend)
Task 1
Time of Test: .......................................................     Name of Tester: ......................................

Test Question
Pass or Fail?


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Create Summative

Create Summative
We have just completed the Planning for our Brochure! Congratulations.
We now have to follow the plan to create the product.
It is FUN time now.
For create you will require the plan to follow so that you get the Product. As you develop the product you will be required to maintain a process journal. This is a document that you record as you follow the plan by indicating what you have done and reflection on your action.
E.g. 10/10/2012 Today I managed to get the two pictures I was looking for my brochure. It was not easy to get the type of pictures I wanted online. I could have captured the pictures using my camera but my cable to download the pictures was not working. I managed to get the picture within the time I had planned. I think I have done well in getting the pictures and I have also learnt how hard it is to get specific pictures online. I thought the internet was easy to get what you want.
 Therefore in Create Summative you will need
-A process Journal
-The Product
Based on the Pamphlet project, you will now create your chosen design, ensuring that your plan is followed. You are allowed to use any desktop publishing software to complete this task.
The final product should be printed and submitted in color and in hardcopy. It should be near or exactly as the chosen design.
You are expected to write several Process Journal entries by the time your product is completely finished.

Create Checklist
-I have created a product to the best of my ability, one that is almost similar to the one I designed
- PROCESS JOURNAL entries – shows in detail exactly what I did each time I worked on the project.
- My process journal includes a summary of what was in the time plan for each day and a comparison of what I actually did.
- My process journal describes problems I encountered and how I addressed them.
Please check the check list as you work
Assessment Criteria-copy and print it out

The student does not reach a standard described
by any of the descriptors given below.
The student follows the plan and creates at least part of a pamphlet.
The student uses appropriately some techniques
of the software. The student follows the plan and states any changes made, thus resulting in a
pamphlet of good quality.
The student properly uses appropriately most techniques of the software. The student follows
the plan and gives reasons for any changes made, thus resulting in a pamphlet of very good quality.
My Score is __________ because _____________________________________
Teachers Comments

Friday, October 5, 2012

Plan Stage: Summative

Develop a plan to create the pamphlet product. In this stage you will create three documents, A Gantt chart, Time plan and an evaluation of plan.

The Gantt chart should briefly describe the stages of the design cycle, shows the duration by shading and appropriate labeling, and any other important feature of Gantt chart included. The Gantt chart submitted in hardcopy in one A4 paper.

 Time Plan should show the Stage, date, Activity and skills, duration and resources to be used

Evaluation of Plan:  Is a sentence that examines the Time plan table. You will be answering the following types of question while writing your evaluation of the plan.

a)     Is the time for each stage correct and enough? Why

b)     Can somebody follow your time plan easily and create the product? Why?

c)      Based on the Time Plan, what changes or correction can you make to your chosen design?

Plan Checklist
   I have developed a clear Gantt chart with all the required details
   I have included a time plan showing all stages describing the activity and skills in each stage.
   For each entry I have planned how to use both resources and time.
   I have evaluated my plan.

Assessment Criteria

Has not reached standard of any descriptors below.
The student produces a Gantt, and a plan that contains some details of the steps and/or the resources required.
The student produces a Gantt and a plan that contains a number of clear steps that include resources and time. The student makes tries to evaluate the plan.
The student produces a Gantt and a plan that contains a number of very clear steps that describe the use of resources and time. The student evaluates the plan and suggests some changes the design.



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Design Stage -Practice 2

A music artist requires a CD cover designed. He as realized that to get the CD sold he must advertise on the CD and provide information to allow the buyer to buy the CD.

To solve this problem a CT student has done research and identified information on how technology can be used to make CD cover. The student has also research on advertisement to see what kind of information is required by customers buying music CD.

The following is an extract of the students investigate section where the student has provided design specification.

Possible Design Specifications for the CD cover

¨      Image included

¨      Appropriate album Title

¨      List of Songs
Task 1
copy the list and add three more Design specification you would include.
1.                                    2.                                                 3.

Task 2
Design Stage
¨      Design at least 3 CD cover designs
 measure them against the design specification
¨      Which design is the best
explain why it is the best design to use for the creating the product for your Client.

Design Stage. Feedback after marking the stage

Reminders on the Design Stage
At this stage you have to
1.      Make THREE designs based on the design specification.
2.      evaluate each Design Against the design specification and finally you need to
3.      Choose one design and justify your choice.

The design SPECIFICATIONS are description of how your product will be will look like.
Each SPECIFICATION must be measurable.
Three Photos on Mobile phones.
Information about 10 applications in the mobile phones
Design Specification
Evaluation Criteria
Number of pictures
1 š                  2š                   3  š
Type of pictures   Mobile
Few š             Some š           All š
Information about the 10 applications on the mobile phone
Less than four š  at least six š         all ten  š
Each specification must be evaluated against the evaluation criteria.

All the Three designs must have all the specification identified to the best of the requirements.
The only difference in the designs is the layout of the specification.
Each design must be evaluated against the specification.

Choice and Justification
After making the three designs you have to choose one design and justify why you have chosen the design. Because all the design MUST have all the specification the justification is basically on other factors such as color’s, layout, type of graphics or type of borders. You MUST make convincing statement on why you chose that design.