Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Validity of information

We usually come across information. The information is required to be accurate. Although the information might be accurate it also needs to be relevant to the task.

James wanted to know about weather. He was searching information to find out about weather.
How Does the Thermometer Work?

A thermometer is a device that measures the temperature of things. The name is made up of two smaller words: "Thermo" means heat and "meter" means to measure. You can use a thermometer to tell the temperature outside or inside your house, inside your oven, even the temperature of your body if you're sick.

One of the earliest inventors of a thermometer was probably Galileo. We know him more for his studies about the solar system and his "revolutionary" theory (back then) that the earth and planets rotated around the sun. Galileo is said to have used a device called a "thermoscope" around 1600 - that's 400 years ago!!

Is this information Accurate?

Is it valid?

What advice will you give to James?

Share your responses.

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