Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How can we represent the real worlds’ what if?

Models and data Presentation: Focus Economics in a Global Context

Resources and Environment

The study of how limited natural, human and man-made resources are employed to produce goods and services that satisfy people’s wants and needs; the impact of production and consumption on the environment.

1. the capacity to analyze statistical and other economic data in order to come to an informed judgment

2. knowledge and understanding of how one’s every day actions (use of materials, energy, etc.) have an effect on local and world resources and the environment

1. Scarcity and choice

2. Decision making

3. Opportunity cost

4. Entrepreneurship

Task Plan to write a report on A resource in Kenya.
Your plan should look at the type of resources you will consult and the final product you will prepare which is a research paper between 700-1200 words.

Investigate: This stage will involve following the plan made and consulting the resources for your paper according to the timelines indicated.

The two task will be assesed on PLAN and INVESTIGATE criterion.
Please consult the requirements before you hand in your tasks.


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