Read the comments posted in the previous task.
Identify one comment that interests you.
Talk to the person who wrote the comment.
Write a brief reflection on how your reading and talking to the person enriched you experience of the problem identification part of investigate stage.
Post the brief reflection on the comments
The one comment that fasinates me the most is the comment posted by prudence Hainga,the reason as for why i decided to choice prudence is because i wonder why would a person like prudence pick a topic having a talk with prudence i discovered that the main reason as for why she choice this problem is due to that it related to a real life situation.this was when her sister and herself arent able to practise the personal belives and cultural clothing due to the fact of the restrictions of the westernization and for that reason she was confident in undertaking such a wonderful problem.
and from her understanding she has an intention of solving this problem through a web design
during this lesson i read Ashley's comment about the abuse of girls rights.by reading it , i developed an interest and went ahead to asked her to expound on the topic for me.through talking to her i got to understand how girls are treated and what made her choose this topic. she chose this topic because in her community,kamba girls are not treated fairly and also in some communities and she wanted to spread the awareness to be able to stop this because girls can be useful to a counry and help it develop.
I talked to Rishika about her topic as it was very different and interesting, in my opinion. She said that she chose the topic because she observed that her cousin was an ABCD and he disliked practicing the Indian culture. Also, she told me that this was a huge confusion which clashes the Indian and American culture. Children who are born in America, and whose parents are born in India, often get confused to which culture they should practice. She believes that a website is a good solution to this problem because most people around the world are familiar with using the Internet and she hopes that it will create awareness.
I interviewed Saumya as I felt that her topic is very unique and thought-provoking. Her topic is how technology affects culture in both positive and negative ways. She chose this topic because, she wants to know more about how technology is narrowing ones thinking. by talking to her I got to know about the positive and the negative effects. the negative effect is that it can narrow down ones thinking and the positive effect is that it can also spread global awareness and connect with a person from the same culture and know more about it. It was fun talking to her and knowing more about her topic.
The comment which caught my attention most was Rishika's as it seems to be very interesting. She talked to me about the ABCD's and how her cousin is one of them. They are people who are born in an western country with an indian background and are confused on which culture they belong. She is making a website to raise awareness about this and help people like her cousin.
I think akil's problem is interesting because it is true that somalis are being discriminated for many different reasons one includes saying they are terrorists.
i liked Sabrina post because it is talking about how people misunderstand others culture and immediately assume they are wrong, which is somewhat related to my topic on another level. i am looking forward to read her website when we have finished our topic. i personally believe in her topic because what she is saying is so true that people nowadays are so stuck on their beliefs that anything different is either wrong or unfair, so maybe this website can change the way other people view things.
I talked to Akil about his topic and it was on the discrimination of the Somali culture. He said that he observed alot and explained that he disliked how people thought that all Somalis are terrorists and he said he asked one of the colleagues that are Somalis and they said when people discriminate or tease them, it really hurts them. He said that a website is the best solution as websites can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, anytime in the world with devices such as phones, laptops, computers and many more devices.
i think that shaan's problem is good because many teenage Indians don't have their culture.
i think that shaan's problem is good because many teenage Indians don't have their culture.
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