Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Evaluate Stage

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Evaluate is Criterion E of MYP Technology.  Work for this criterion leads to the testing of the product and a sufficient reflection of one’s own efforts, and how well the work done fits into the Design Cycle.
Now that your product is created, your will now be tasked to test your product using the test or questions you’ve written during the Create stage.
Activity 1
Look at the following business card product completed. Use the table below to conduct a test for the card by adding test question, assessing the questions then adding comments. A sample has been done for you
Testers’ Name: Your Name__________________
Test Question
Pass or Fail?
1  The spreadsheet has three pie charts
The spreadsheets has a pie chart in Deductible amounts, Deductible miles and number of trips
Activity 2
Fill in the Test question as you have done in the table above. Exchange the table with your classmate.
Ask the classmate to Test the card based on the questions and to add comments.
Testers’ Name: Classmate ________________
Test Question
Pass or Fail?
This is one part of the evaluation that is evaluating the product in an objective manner. There are other parts of evaluation they include
-performance at each stage of the design cycle
-suggested improvements
-impact of the product on the society
Based on the two evaluations comment on the success of the product?

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