Saturday, December 28, 2013

Design Summative

Upload the cover page from here

Fill in the cover page as your top-page of the design.

If you have done your design by hand please scan them and put them together as a documents you can use A4 or A3 depending on the size of your designs.

Upload the investigate as word names Your-Name-Design Summative in your drop box.

Please make sure the drop-box Folder named MYP CT Y8-Firstname Second Name is shared with


Investigate Summative

Upload the cover page from here

Fill in teh cover page as your top-page of the investigate.

Upload the investigate as word names Your-Name-Investigate Summative in your drop box.

Please make sure the drop-box Folder named MYP CT Y8-Firstname Second Name is shared with


Saturday, December 14, 2013

List of shared Drop Boxes

Please share yours if you are not on the list. The names fomart is still an issue all new sharing comply
MYP CT Y8-Firstname Second Name if its is named differently please RENAME

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Computer Science Education Week

Information on Computer Science Education Week, Starts today.


The aim is to promote computer science .

All of the resources and info can be found at


Posters/videos at

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thursday 5/12 Lesson 1

Go through the resources on the issue you have identified
Identify how the issue is being intervened or solved.
Research current methods being used to intervene on the issue in other parts of the country or world.
Analyze the best approach which is specific to the context (where the issue is taking place).
Research current methods of communicating the intervention/solution to the community.
Investigate different ways in which videos could be used to inform the community of the issue and the intervention.
Find contact details of some people in the community and ask them how they receive information about the interventions on the issues.
Record research findings in your book.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sharing Dropbox

The whole class has not shared their dropboxes.
Please share the dropbox again and use the email
This will allow the dropbox to be linked with my dropbox which is registered with that mail.
Please share with me your dropbox through

Wednesday 4/12 Lesson 4

Go through the resource on video making and learn how to make a video

-How do you respond to your audience?
-Which software do you use?
-How do you down load videos?
-How do you edit the video?
-How do you add narration in the videos?
-How do you add music?
-How do you fade in and out the music?
-How do you add effects to the video?
-How do you convert the video from one form to another?

Reflect on the learning procees in Edmodo.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Monday 2/12 Lesson 1

Review your resources in the Bundlr add or remove depending on what you have experienced as you work on the issues
Make sure you have sources that will allow you to
-Use Technology to respond to social issues
-Understand social issues and how governace plays a role
-Become an agent of change

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Home Fun Week 3 Monday 25th November 2013.

Project Details.
Please fill in the form to present your Project details.
Before opening the form you should know the issue you want to address, your client, why you want to solve the issue,what you want to achieve by solving the issue and references for your print sources BOOK, MAGAZINE/NEWPAPER and A JOURNAL.
Due 2nd December 2013

Monday 25th November

Developing INTERVIEWS QUESTIONS on the issue.
Identify question you would like to ask to know about
-An issue in the society
-How your client would like it presented digitally
Design the questionnaire you will use for the interview.
Reflect on Edmodo on the process of designing a questionnaire

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Week 2 Home Fun

Sign up in Midomo

Use it to brain storm on you problem.

Take a screen shot of the mind up.

Save it as Problem-Student name.

Upload it in the your drop box

DUE 2nd December

Thursday 21/11 Lessons 1 & 2

Get information on videos
How to create video
How to respond to the audience
Explore issues in the community - Research the issues happening in the country
Sources must include atleast
A book
A video
A magazine
A jounal -(
A Website
for both "how to make videos" and " issues related to governance"
Use A Bundlr one on Videos and another on Issues to put up the list of online resources

Visit the library 
Look for print based resources both for video design and issues in the society. 
Sources must include atleast
A book
A magazine or newpaper
A journal (
for both "how to make videos" and " issues related to governance"
Record the information in the small book plus the source of the information
Use APA formating

Wednesday 20/11 Lesson 4 & 5

Unit introduction
Strand –Governance and Civil Society
·     an ability and willingness to participate in projects which involve real solutions to real problems, leading to critical reflection on goals achieved and the comparison of different perspectives on the issues.
a)      Agency (an individual’s capacity to act and influence)
b)      Engagement and service
c)      Community

AOI- How do we use technology for community and Service? Humanity Ingenuity
ATL- How do we think creatively?
How do we research for information?

Video (Skills) focus of interest issues in the society based on governance

Join Edmodo
Review the sample investigate.
Turn in your reflection
Respond to at least two students in the class

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Invetigate involves finding our on what you would like to solve.
Read the assesment criteria.
Visit for reviewing a sample.
Turn in your reflection .

Reflection Space

This will be our reflection space.

We will be prompted to share some reflection, take a quiz, a poll or a task.

You can also chat with your colleages in this space.

Please maintain netiquette as well as discuss what is related to the site.

Joining URL is

Group code is 486456

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

WEEK 1 Lesson 1

Online resources as a solution to sharing information globally and increasing access on information.


Culture is a people’s way of life and it is based on the peoples.
Some aspects of culture include:
  • Beliefs and values.
  • Religion.
  • Celebrations and festivals.
  • Customs.
  • Clothing and dressing.
  • Marriages.
  • Food.
  • Economic activities.
  • Housing.
  • Hierarchy.
  • Location.
 Why should we learn about cultures?
  • To gain historical knowledge.
  • To respect other peoples perspectives.
  • Diversity.
  • To understand other people.
  • To interact and work better.
  • To interconnect.
  • To respect one another.
  • To acknowledge and appreciate other peoples beliefs and values.
  • For acquaintance.
  • To enable preservation of culture.

While taking this unit we will be enhancing the following skills.
  • Listening.
  • Presentation.
  • Communication.
  • Organization.
  • Thinking.
  • Researching.
  • Analyzing.
The highlighted three are the ones that are majorly on focus this semester.

Possible Projects (Examples) -
 The an online resource will be about the Author culture and it will explain aspects such as culture such as food,  housing, celebrations, beliefs and values etc.
 The online will be aspects of the culture that is different from yours e.g. customs or clothing 
C) Advertising Cultural Places
 The online resource could be used to explain the available cultural places to visit
D) Celebrating a Cultural Event
 The online resource will focus on an cultural event and celebrated it.
E) Marketing Cultural Products
 The online resources will be showcasing cultural producst
Any project that will address cultural issues in a focused manner with the objective of using technology to reach out to people globally.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My Website

You are supposed to advertise your website.

The advertisement should take exactly 12 seconds.

In the video show
-Why the website was created
-What is offered by the website
-The URL.
Use persuasive language and Music.
12 seconds only.

Video format MP4. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Criterion F: attitudes in technology

This criterion refers to students’ attitudes when working in technology. It focuses on an overall assessment of two aspects:
• Personal engagement (motivation, independence, general positive attitude)
• Attitudes towards safety, cooperation and respect for others.
By their very nature these qualities are difficult to quantify and assess, and assessment should therefore take into account the context in which the unit of work was undertaken.

Fill in the form for a minimm of three times
- Self asessment -you will be the assesseor and the assesed
-Peer Assessment- you will be the assesssor and your classmate will be the assesed
-Peer Assessment-you will be the assesossor and another classmate (different from previous) will be your assessed.
You can only self assess your self ONCE. You can peer assess you two classmates ONCE. You can peer-assess more than two classmates.

DUE 5th November

Friday, October 25, 2013

Create Products

Akil Meghji
Alykhan Jiwa
Amaar Jivanji
Ashley Mutei
Asma Shariff
Collin Graf

Imaan Karachiwala

Jeff Otieno
Kamil Sorathia
Mariella Monyo
Maryam Alwy
Muhammad Bawazir
Nikita Gyssler
Paul mugo
Prudence Hainga
Ramyz Rupshi
Rishika Gokhale
Sabrina Turonshoeva
Saumya Gupta
Shaan Vora
Sharon Mbugua

Sumiyyah Raheem Dhanani
Taha Mamujee
Yavan Bhatia
Zahra Gulamhussein
Please visit the websites and leave your comments

Unit Portfolio

Place all your stages as follows
A short introduction on ATL, AOI, Strands and the guiding question.
A short description of the problem
Reflection on Investigate
Reflection on Design
Reflection on Plan
Link to website
Link to process journal
Reflection on create
Reflection on Evaluate

Number all your pages in word.
Save the big file as unit portfolio.
make sure you have header as you name and topic of investigation
Footer class and year

Convert the Portfolio into an e-book.
Share the link.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Students are expected to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification in an objective manner based on testing, and to evaluate its impact on life, society and/or the environment. They are expected to explain how the product/solution could be improved as a result of these evaluations.

Students are expected to evaluate their own performance at each stage of the design cycle and to suggest ways in which their performance could be improved.
Achievement level Descriptor
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
The student evaluates the product/solution or his or her own performance. The student makes some attempt to test the product/solution.
The student evaluates the product/solution and his or her own performance and suggests ways in which these could be improved. The student tests the product/solution to evaluate it against the design specification.
The student evaluates the success of the product/solution in an objective manner based on the results of testing and the views of the Intended users. The student provides an evaluation of his or her own performance at each stage of the design cycle and suggests improvements. The student provides an appropriate evaluation of the impact of the product/solution on life, society and for the environment.
Submission form

Or type the Url

Download the form and fill it up.

Write your reflectuon of the evaluate stage as responses evaluate reflection promt in Edmodo

Submission CREATE

When you submit creat please download the following form or copy the url below in your url link 

Fill in the Form and Submit it to Mr. Gioko in hard copy and send to

Upload the filled form in Edmodo 

Create Reflections Page.

Share the links in the Reply Website and Process Journal.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Criterion D: create

Maximum 6
Students are expected to document, with a series of photographs or a video and a dated record, the process of making their product/solution, including when and how they use tools, materials and techniques. Students are expected to follow their plan, to evaluate the plan and to justify any changes they make to the plan while they are creating the product/solution.

Students will sometimes embark upon a very ambitious project, or they may encounter unforeseen circumstances. In some circumstances a product/solution that is incomplete or does not function fully can still achieve one of the levels awarded for this criterion.

0-      The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
1-2The student considers the plan and creates at least part of the product/solution.
3-4  The student uses appropriate techniques and equipment. The student follows the plan and mentions any modification made, resulting in a product/solution of good quality
5-6 The students competently uses appropriate techniques and equipment. The student follows the plan and justifies any, modification made, resulting in a product/solution of appropriate quality using available resources.

Appropriate Quality: This is the best product/solution that the student can produce, taking into account the resources available, the skills and techniques they have used, their educational development, how the product/solution addresses the identified need, and aspects of the standards.

  Submission form available here

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Criterion C-PLAN

This stage is where the student devices a series of logical steps to create the product. The plan should indicate effective use of resources and time. The plan should be analyzed and any modification for improvement suggested

Achievement level
Criterion C: PLAN
0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

1–2 The student produces a plan. The plan makes reference to resources and time. Describes, with guidance, the steps needed to create the product. With guidance, evaluate the plan and identify modification.

3–4 With some guidance, the student produces a plan that contains some detail of the steps. The plan shows some details in term of resources and time. The student attempts to analyze the plan against the design specifications.

5–6 The student produces a plan that contains a number of logical steps. The plan shows effective use of time and resources. The student identifies key aspects and safety hazards with the plan. The student analyses the plan against the design specification with regards to modification.

The cover page is available in the Link
Should included
Grade, Date and Comments
Grade, Date and Comments

Please check on the cover page the following parameters
Guiding Parameters
Producing logical a number of steps
Shows effective use of time
Shows effective use of resources
Identifies key aspects
Identifies safety hazards
Analyses the plan
Identifies any modification
The Teacher will check if the parameters are present and offer grade based on complete partial or non.
The Plan will only last one week. Please note create will only be 9 lessons from the Plan deadline in 8th October.
Create deadline is after the half term 22nd.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Reflection Space

Join our classroom reflection space and post your reflection on each of the stages we have.


Type on the url and join the group.


All the Best


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Design Summative-Due 1st October

During the investigation stage, you identified a problem and come up with a technological solution to the problem. You have identified the product that you need to design for you client using desktop publishing. During the design you come up with a design brief and a design specification.
Using the design specification
a)      -come up with three designs on the PRODUCT (Webpages) for your client.

b)      -For each design measure it against the design specification.
c)      -Select one design or a mixture of aspects from the designs and Identify which design or aspects has you identified for the final product.
d)     -Justify in detail the final choice of your design.
e)      -Suggest any improvement that you may make to have a better product

After doing the part a-e use the check list to make sure you have addressed all the parts.

Assessment -Cover Page
Design Stage Checklist
All my designs are of very good quality.
I have justified the selection of one design and suggest some improvements
I have come up with a variety of good quality (at least 3) of different design ideas for my product.
I have compared each design idea against the design specification.
Check the boxes accordingly 
Assessment Criteria
¨      I have not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
¨      I have generated one or two designs of average quality.
¨      I have tried to justify this by comparing against the design specification
¨      I have generated a few designs of good quality.
¨      I have justified the choice of one design and fully explained this against the design specification
¨      I have generated a range of designs of excellent quality,
¨      I have fully justified the choice of one design, suggested very practical improvements.

Peer Grade ________
Comments ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Grade ________
Comments ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Copy the assessment part, check the boxes, give your grade and your peers and share the comments.

This part will be the top cover page of your Dessign Summative. click here for softcopy in word

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Design Stage -Formative 2

Jeanolla is a year 8 girl who loves Athletics, Cycling, Basketball, Cricket and Volleyball. Her favorite colors are blue, green and black. Jeanolla has decided to design a home page about her hobbies.
The following are the design specification she has identified.
·         It has a picture of two of her hobbies.
·         It has a picture of a star in two of her hobbies.
·         It has a short description of two of her hobbies.
·         It has her favorite colors
·         It has a link to
o   -Her profile
o   -Her friend contact list
o   -Her team’s profile
Design one home page for Jeanolla and a test for the specifications.
Test the design against the specification.

Scan or take a picture of the design and paste it with the test and upload it in your drop box.
Sample courtesy of Saumya

Monday, September 9, 2013

Design Stage -Formative

In the design stage you are required to;
a) Generate good quality designs for your product
b) Measure each of the designs against the designs specifications
c) Justify your chosen design while evaluating it critically against the design specification


a) The examples in the links below show examples of designs for different product.

- What is your observation in all the above designs?

b) How then do you measure each design against the design specification?
Create a table and list some design specifications and rate each design spec for any of design above.

Activity: Use your book or any software to draw the designs for the task below. (20 min)
Sony Company is interested in external laptop speakers for their new laptop model. You have therefore been requested to design two very good speakers designs.
a) Use the design specs below to guide your sketching.

Design Specs

They should be two, which is one pair.

They should fit in a small case

Can be of any shape

Should not be more than 20 cms in length, width or height

The pair should be able to fit in each other when packaging.

b) Compare the two designs using the designs specs. Which one meet most of the design specs requirements?
c) So, which will be your final choice to submit to Sony Company and why? Prepare a detailed justification that you will use to defend your chosen design.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Design Brief

Refer to the directions on design brief in the investigate stage .
Write a design brief of your technological solution.
Upload it in your Y8ICT drop box folder

Thursday, September 5, 2013

TEST on the "Internet".

You have a test to respond to.

The test is on
Get the password from your teacher.
You have two attempts for the test.

All the Best

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Critical Friend

Read the comments posted in the previous task.
Identify one comment that interests you.
Talk to the person who wrote the comment.
Write a brief reflection on how your reading and talking to the person enriched you experience of the problem identification part of investigate stage.
Post the brief reflection on the comments

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Investigate stage-Sharing Problem description with evidence

Share the problem you have identified by giving details as to why it is a problem?
You will need evidence from 1 website and 1 book.
Tuesday Lesson -look for books in the library
Wednesday lesson-look for online resources in the computer lab.
Post a brief description as comments to this task.

Investigate stage Challenge

Start your investigation on Tuesday 3rd September 2013 by identifying a client who will require a website solution to address a cultural issues, idea, event, commodies, information which is currently not doing well due to current practices
. Use the information outline in the previous post for this investigation. The link to the AOI should be evident. A hard copy Investigate should be handed in by 12th September 2013