Thursday, June 6, 2013

Help me Evalaute! (Un)Confused


What do I have to do? First make three tables with all the specifications test statements e.g the top page has a barcode -Yes/NO

Then? Evaluate one, give one to you friend and the other to somebody who would have bought such a magazine(Client)

What DO you Mean? A client is a person who would read the magazine for example a sports person would read Njau's Magazine on Dopping in Sports.

Okay: Then write a reflection for each test, just like you did in the exam question 2.

Ohhhh! after that? since you have finished the project on each stage.

Stage? Yes Investigate, Design,  Plan, Create and Evaluate.

Even Evaluate..Come on. Yes all the stages including evaluate.

What do I reflect about? you reflect on your performance how well did you do each stage.

Only that? Well Performance is both on the product and the process?

Oh that is a lot. Yes each stage should be around 30 words and after each test 20 words then in the producst 50 and on the process 50 words.

Wah...You mean 30 times 4 Plus 20 times 3 puls 50 plus 50? Yes

La la la that is 280 Words. Yes

Can I do less? NO

More? The Better.

Okay that is clear now.. Thank you!

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