Friday, September 14, 2012

Investigate Assessment Criteria

Assessment Criteria

Ø  I have not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
Ø  I have explored some existing pamphlets
Ø  I have collected information from sources. I have listed some specifications (included a design specification).
Ø  I have included a design brief.
Ø  I have investigated why pamphlets are used
Ø  I have explored some existing pamphlets selecting information from some acknowledged sources
Ø  I listed a range of specifications that must be met by my pamphlet.( I have include a design specification with at least 5 bullet points)
Ø  I have described why pamphlets are important and have created a design brief.
Ø   I have described what makes good pamphlets.
Ø   I have evaluated examples of good types of pamphlet and have acknowledged all your sources using or
Ø  I have included a full list of specifications (at least 10) that must be met by my pamphlet giving the reasons for each.

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